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Friday, June 22, 2012

Friday Favorites #3

First off, I would like to apologize for the silence on IAS over the past couple days. I was helping a friend with a school project and then had to study for my final and do my own project and save the world, basically. But the good news is, I finished the first semester of summer school! Only 12 more days left. I can do this. And now without further ado, LET FRIDAY FAVORITES ISSUE NUMBER THREE COMMENCE!

Emma, whose blog "Food Coma" I read religiously, made a cool guest post DIY on how you can make your own pickles. I love pickles. I must do this.

The walls have always looked quite boring in my room. In recent years I have hung up some of my own paintings, but I haven't been doing much art lately. This cool DIY on how to make your own yarn wall art is really neat, and doesn't require that I pick up a paintbrush. Thank goodness.

20x200 is a great website where you can buy art prints (like the one pictured above) for a disgustingly cheap price. So your walls don't end up looking like mine.

My friend Tess showed me Rookie Magazine. I don't know how I did not find it prior to her guidance, because it is great. Check out this tutorial on how to make your own strawberry jam, perfect for summer!

Why am I only hearing about the Citra-Sipper now?! It's a tiny little straw that you stick into any citrus fruit of your choice, and voila, pure *insert fruit name here* juice!

Window shopping will be the death of me. I saw that these shoes were on sale, so I automatically squealed with excitement. Well, guys. They were $170, on sale for $119. Ha ha ha I have never paid more than $40 for a pair of shoes. 

Mignon Kitchen has the cutest kitchenware, tableware, and pantry goodies. The bamboo plates above are $5 for a set of 8 plates and $7 for a set of 8 place settings. They're organic and biodegrade in 5 months!

Herriot Grace is a short documentary about a father-daughter duo that makes cute handmade kitchen goodies. He crafts each piece by hand and she photographs and sells them. Watch the full documentary here, check out their shop here, and read how they started this awesome endeavor here.

If you're in the New York area (Long Island City, to be specific) the Cheesemonger Invitational is happening upon the morrow. There will be cheesy competitions and cheesy food and everything cheesy. Why am I stuck in Hawaii. Why.

That's it for this week's Friday Favorites. I will be back tomorrow with a vlog (hopefully) of my wonderful foodie adventures that I partook on today with a couple awesome people. Have a relaxing Friday!

Until next time,

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