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Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday Favorites #2

When the bell rang at the end of summer school today I was running out of that classroom like there was a wild puma at my heels. I have spent 40 hours over the past 8 days in that darn classroom. Learning about democracy. This is shaping up to be a great summer. Well, at least it's Friday. Which means Friday Favorites time! Yay how esssiting.

This tutorial for making your own DIY chain camera strap is super cute and even more useful. I don't know how much I would trust my own handyman skills hanging a thousand dollars of equipment off my neck though...

An entire blog devoted to GIFs of food. I am absolutely and completely okay with this.

Keiko Lynn has the best wardrobe and blog and everything. Plus she is mega talented. I hope to be just like her. Especially since she restyled the dress in the picture above from a very drab matronly dress into this super cute lace number. Bee-yew-tee-ful.

Cinemagraphs amaze me. I must learn how to do them myself. They are just so enchanting. Not a GIF and not a video. MAGIC. I must learn to do magic. Yes.

I love Tyler Knott's poetry and his unconventional ways of communicating his work. Between daily haikus and his typewriter project, plus a photography business, I don't know how he keeps being so good at everything. Ugh. Just ugh.

The heart braid! Makes me wish I never cut my long hair. I miss being able to do fun things with it. Follow the click through link to find out how to do one yourself!

I bet I'm going to end up having Kinsey's DIYs on every single one of my Friday Favorites. There are just so many good ones. Click through the link to learn how to bleach and fringe your very own summer tanks :3

With my sisters graduation party coming up, I have been looking for tons of DIYs around the net. I stumbled upon this one for cute feather/candle jars and fell in love. They're so dainty and cute. I might make a few for my room.

Once again, I wish I still had long hair. The high bun was my signature style when I had luscious locks. Y'all should watch this and do it so you can fulfill my dreams through your hair.

Daniel Cloud Campos is an amazing dancer, cinematographer, and screenwriter. I have mad respect for this dude. This video combines a bunch of things I hate (cleaning and dancing) yet I still loved watching it. Strange.

That's it for today! Have a wonderful Friday. Eat lots. Sleep lots.

Until next time,


  1. There's an app for that...Cinemagram... And it's free...

    1. OOOOooOOOOoooooo I will definitely look into it! Thanks :3
