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About Me

Hi there! I'm Alissa, and this is among my first steps of starting a somewhat AWESOME vintage business and lifestyle. I'm currently a 16 year old student on the island of Oahu. I've been thrifting since middle school, but got really serious about it in my freshman year of high school. Roaming through the racks and racks of $2 skirts and dresses was an exhilarating feeling, and one I was soon to become extremely familiar with. But turning this hobby into a business is a whole 'nother story...

It all started with a Sophomore Honors English Project, where I was told to make a public service project. There were two large groups in my class, an animal rights group that was going to make pamphlets, and an anti-bullying group that was going to hold a concert. Both ideas were alright, but not something I was interested in. So I contacted my teacher about conducting my own project. Project Second Chances. I bought vintage clothing from Goodwill and Saver's, and learned how to wash clothes and sew. I altered all the pieces, sold them online, and donated all the money to charity. And ever since then, I could not shake the image of being a small business owner out of my head. The success I felt after all the challenges and obstacles I had to go through was something I hungered for more of.

So basically, I want to take you all with me on this crazy journey I plan to embark on at the ripe age of 16. Starting my own business. And blog. And maintaining awesome grades in school. Well. LET'S SEE HOW THIS GOES.

Until next time,

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