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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Honest To Blog: Juggling

You may or may not have noticed the silence over the past week here on It's Always Sunny, and that is completely and totally my fault. I started this blog during a time in my life where I wanted to take on millions of things. I wanted to start a blog like the ones that I read everyday, I wanted to have an online store, a job, great grades in school, time for friends, and pretty much to conquer the world. Now I'm even trying my hand at a graphic design internship for a sports website. It really is wonderful that I have taken this all on and I'm so sure it will pay off, but for now I know that I have to prioritize.

School is always first for me. Always always always. Then will come my internship, job, friends, business, and the blog. I have all these ideas for IAS, but I need to make sure I tend to all the other responsibilities I took on first. I want to have some quality posts for you guys, not just things I threw together because I was busy sewing or working or something. I want the work on here to represent me, and half-butting it is not going to cut it.

The picture above really made me realize though, that it is not going to come easy. I am going to have to do a lot of work if I want to accomplish everything that I planned on. That's just what I'm going to do.

So now I realize that I may have been foolish in promising posts every day on IAS, but what I can promise is that when I do post things, it will be real quality stuff, yo. I swear,

Now, I have to go finish up some things for my sisters graduation party. I will see you all SOON.

Until next time,

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